Monday, June 22, 2015

The Creed Relation - Part III

Historical Models

Part 1 spoke of gods and men---------------->link
Part 2 spoke of the representation of history---------->link

In this blog post, I will show you some of the historical characters in the game.

William Kidd (AC IV: Black Flag)


This infamous pirate was shown to be an ally to the assassins, although for personal gain. In real life, this prodigy was feared by the world as one of the most dangerous pirates of all times.

Benedict Arnold (AC III)


This fearless general was a high ranking traitor in Washington's side, acting as a spy for the british in the american revolution. He was found out ultimately and executed by Washington himself (or by the assassins, as shown in the game).

Benjamin Franklin (AC III)

This great man, a known freemason and a free thinker, was shown as an initial neutral party but later sided with Washington. He was put in charge of the Boston area after it was captured by the blue coats.

Edward "Blackbeard" Thatch (AC IV: Black Flag)


This character is the most feared and notorious pirate that ever sailed the seven seas. Blackbeard has been shown as ruthless as he was, and as an ally to Edward Kenway, and in turn the assassins.

George Washington (AC III)


The fearless leader of the blue coats and america's first president, George Washington lost all his battle until he won it all. His first major victory after a series of losses was in the battle of Bunker Hill, after which the blue coats completely dominated the war.

Thomas Jefferson (AC III)


One of the founding fathers of America, this character was shown as an ally to Washington and the assassins. He was the principle author of the declaration of independence.

Leonardo Da Vinci (AC II, Brotherhood)



The maestro was portrayed exactly as a man of his reputation deserves. He sided with the assassins and was instrumental in the fight against the Templars, and Ezio's other escapades. His virtual self was as brilliant as his real self.

Rodrigo Borgia [Alexander VI] (AC II, Brotherhood)


Born Roderic Llancol, later taking the name Rodrigo Borja, he was the leader of the Templars during the renaissance, and elected pope in 1492 as Alexander VI. His name was forever associated with the defamation of papal power.  He was the most controversial of all popes. His character was kept intact in the video games.

Niccolo di Bernardo dei Machiavelli (AC II, Brotherhood)

Machiavelli, known as father of modern politics, the most underrated minds of Renaissance, was a diplomat, playwright, philosopher, musician and foremost, a Florentine civil servant. He was the political catalyst for most of the happenings during the Renaissance. He is shown as an ally, and later the leader of the Assassin Order, helping Ezio in his escapades, all while consistently taking Florence to greater heights in free thinking and radical changes. He was later arrested and stripped of power by the Church and deemed an Heretic because he dared to challenge the beliefs of the Church.

Rashid ad-Din Sinan (AC I, Revelations) 


Rashid ad-Din Sinan, also called Al-Mualim, and The Old Man of The Mountains, was the actual leader of the Hashshashins in the Syrian town of Masyaf. He was twisted by greed and power, and betrayed his own order by using them for his own ill-gains. His own students put him down, although they gave him a fitting cremation. He was extremely learned and experienced in the secrets of life and death. The character in the game was shown exactly the same, including the name and the location of the creed. He was shown to have submitted to the Templars and had been working for them secretly. He was the main reason why the Order went underground for a long time, having been responsible for the death of a lot of members.

These are some of the historical figures that Ubisoft used in the games. Some of them were recreated exactly as the real-life characters. Some were moulded a bit to fit the story. But all of them had a hand in creating the world as we know it.

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